Super Soothing at Home Remedy for a Sore Throat

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I am a big fan of natural remedies. Especially my at home remedy for a sore throat. I was sick with a cold for about a week.

There is nothing worse than taking over the counter medicine and the next day feeling the same or even worse than before.

I did happen to spread my cold to my fiance. It’s not a good feeling when you know you’re the cause of getting your loved ones sick. But I guess that’s just life, right?

As I laid in bed, coughing up a storm with a sore throat I thought, “There has to be something to make me feel better.” So I did some research on immune boosting herbs.

That is when I came up with an herbal remedy.

I’m in no way a medical expert, but when I consume this hot drink, my throat starts to relax right away. Since I got my fiance sick, I convinced him to try my at home remedy for a sore throat.

Now he’s asking me to make it for him twice a day! I will definitely be adding this new concoction to our medicine cabinet.


  • 1 honey lemon Halls cough drop
  • 1 part organic echinacea purpurea herb
  • 1 part organic echinacea purpurea root
  • 1 part organic echinacea angustifolia herb
  • 1 part organic lemongrass
  • 1 part organic spearmint leaf
  • tea bags or tea infuser


  1. Mix all the dry ingredients(except the cough drop) in a bowl.
  2. You can blend the dry ingredients in a blender, but it’s not necessary.
  3. Transfer your mixture to a glass jar with a lid for easy storage.
  4. Add 2 tablespoons of the mixture into one tea bag or tea infuser.
  5. Add that tea bag and 1 cough drop into 1 cup of hot water.
  6. Allow to steep for 5 minutes. Please, please, please make sure the cough drop has fully evaporated before drinking.
  7. Drink as is or sweeten with stevia or honey.


Also known as a purple coneflower, it is a member of the sunflower family. Being native to the United States, Echinacea is a very popular herb amongst traditional herbalists. The herb stimulates cells that fight infections. That is why it is great for supporting immune systems.

Although Echinacea is mostly used internally, people are starting to use it for external purposes. It combats the inflammation of skin infections and wounds. Adding the herb and root to a cup of tea helps ease colds, coughs, and the flu.


Lemongrass is native to Southern India and Sri Lanka. It is rich in vitamins such as vitamin B5, vitamin B6, vitamin B1, vitamin C, and vitamin A which helps our bodies function properly. Lemongrass also contains potassium, zinc, calcium, iron, and manganese.

When consumed, this herb will flush out harmful toxins. It is a febrifuge, also known as fever grass, that helps reduce fevers. Adding lemongrass to a cup of tea calms sore throats, laryngitis, and bronchitis.

Spearmint Leaf

Also known as mentha spicata, this herb is native to Europe and Asia. Spearmint is a very widely known herb for having the capability of freshening breath such as in gum. Being high in potassium, it helps maintain blood pressure by relaxing the stress on blood vessels and arteries.

Many like to chew on spearmint leaves to relieve an upset stomach. The aroma can also clear sinuses. Adding spearmint leaves to tea helps the respiratory system due to its cooling and soothing properties.

If you ever feel sick or start to feel sick, take this at home remedy for a sore throat. It is one of my favorite tea recipes to soothe my sickness in the time of need.

Do you have any favorite homemade remedies that you like to drink when you’re sick? Comment in the section below, I would love to start practicing some more great ideas!

  1. Mix all the dry ingredients(except the cough drop) in a bowl.
  2. You can blend the dry ingredients in a blender, but it’s not necessary.
  3. Transfer your mixture to a glass jar with a lid for easy storage.
  4. Add 2 tablespoons of the mixture into one tea bag or tea infuser.
  5. Add that tea bag and 1 cough drop into 1 cup of hot water.
  6. Allow to steep for 5 minutes. Please, please, please make sure the cough drop has fully evaporated before drinking.
  7. Drink as is or sweeten with stevia or honey.

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