Store Your Homemade Lavender Oil
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DIY Guide: How to Make Lavender Oil from Leaves

Lavender Oil From Leaves, What kinds of lavender to use, how to extract the oil, how to utilize it, and how to harvest lavender from your garden are all covered in this comprehensive guide on making lavender oil at home. Also included is a discussion of how lavender can calm the nerves, muscles, and skin.

For a good reason, lavender is the most well-known and commonly utilized therapeutic plant. It is a safe and effective remedy for anxiety, sleeplessness, headaches, and even depression, and it grows naturally in the planet’s temperate and semiarid regions. Lavender is one of the few medicinal herbs that can be used by just about anyone, including kids and pregnant women. Many people use sachets with dried lavender in them, but the aroma and benefits of the plant quickly disappear over time. Lavender oil, extracted from either fresh or dried lavender flowers, is a fantastic way to do that. This simple process yields a skin-beneficial oil that may be used on its own, in combination with other products, or even in the bath.

Read more: A Step-By-Step Guide to Making Lavender Water

What is Lavender Oil?

Lavender Oil
Lavender Oil

Lavender oil is produced by steeping dried lavender flowers in carrier oil for at least one week and up to several weeks. Natural lavender essential oils are extracted from the dried flowers as they infuse in the oil. Extra-virgin olive oil, jojoba oil, and sweet almond oil are just a few of the various carrier oils available. In a moment, we’ll take a quick look at a dozen various carrier oils, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages, to help you narrow down your choice.

Unlike this form of homemade lavender oil, distillation extraction is used to make concentrated lavender essential oils. While some smaller stills’ are available for use in the home or as a hobby, industrial-scale distillation is the norm. Furthermore, only a very small amount of oil can be extracted from many lavender flowers. In contrast, with the technique we’ll be utilizing in this lesson, we can extract a lot of lavender oil from a little number of blossoms.

Steps By Steps By On How To Make Lavender Oil From Leaves


  • 1 oz. dried lavender
  • 10 oz. Liquid coconut oil


  • Glass jar
  • Fine-mesh strainer or cheesecloth
  • Funnel


You need at least 1 ounce of dried lavender, so cut and dry enough lavender to produce that much. Put dried lavender in a sterile glass jar (to dry, hang cut flowers upside down in a dry, dark spot for 2 to 4 weeks).


Fill the glass jar with coconut oil and add the lavender. However Put the top back on and give it a good shake. For best results, leave the jar out of direct sunlight for 7-10 days near a window. Do a quick shake once a day.


Apply a cheesecloth or sieve to the mixture. Use a funnel to transfer the contents of the bowl into the prepared container. The oil can be kept in a cold, dark place for a year.

Read More: DIY Lavender Pillow Mist – For Peaceful Sleep!

How to Store Your Homemade Lavender Oil

Store Your Homemade Lavender Oil
Store Your Homemade Lavender Oil

Since lavender has natural antimicrobial characteristics, it won’t go bad too quickly. Lavender oil has a long shelf life if stored properly. However, the exact length of time it will keep depends on the oil you choose. Double-check the oil’s expiration date. Maintaining proper storage conditions:

  • All so Your lavender oil will last longer if stored in a cool, dark place. You can skip the refrigeration step.
  • Light degrades the oil’s aroma, so keep it in an airtight, dark container to preserve its freshness.

The inclusion of vitamin E is a fantastic strategy to preserve your lavender oil for a longer period. Vitamin E can be added to oil by breaking open a pill or adding a few drops of the liquid form.

The appearance of discoloration is usually not alarming. It’s perfectly normal, and things like a temperature drop or oil evaporation can cause it. However, all so if water, which may include bacteria, has made its way into your lavender oil, you may experience spoilage. Always remember to dry your jars completely

A quick sniff should tell you if your lavender oil has gone bad. Before putting oil on your skin, make sure you like how it smells.

How to Use Your Lavender Oil

The uses for lavender oil are practically unlimited, but here are a few to get you started:

  • However Apply it topically by massaging it into your feet, temples, wrists, or hands before bed or during times of intense stress and worry.
  • Combine your lavender oil and witch hazel to make a refreshing facial toner.
  • Apply directly to the affected area to relieve eczema or other skin irritation.
  • The growth of bacteria on the skin can be slowed by applying this to fungal illnesses.
  • Nighttime application is ideal for this anti-aging cream.
  • Rub some into your scalp, and it will help your hair grow faster and stronger.
  • However You can apply it to wounds and inflammation to help them heal.
  • As a sunburn remedy, combine it with aloe vera.
  • like that You can apply it to your skin to prevent mosquito bites or to your body to alleviate the irritation caused by those bites.

Read More:Sore Muscle Massage Oil with Essential Oils

Benefits of Homemade Lavender Oil

Homemade Lavender Oil
Homemade Lavender Oil

Lavender is native to the warm climates of the Mediterranean and the Middle East, where it has been grown for at least 2500 years. The ancient Egyptians certainly made use of it, most likely for perfume, medicine, and funerary rites. The Romans adopted and spread it over the continent and even into England as part of their conquests as well.

However, most lavender harvested in the modern centuries has been sent to France for use in the perfume industry. Aromatherapy was first developed there in 1910 by a chemist named René-Maurice Gattefossé, who made a spur-of-the-moment decision.

Without running water on hand, he quickly cooled his seriously burned palm by submerging it in a container of lavender essential oil.

If it had been anything else, things might have gone wrong. Fortunately, his skin healed quickly and was scar-free, leading to the current application of lavender oil by complementary and alternative medicine.

The skin and body both stand to benefit from lavender’s abundance of useful active ingredients. Over forty different plant compounds, including linalyl acetate, cineole, and linalool, are found in the blooms’ up to 3% volatile oils. Flavonoids, tannins, and coumarins can also be found in lavender.

Lavender’s pleasant aroma and curative powers come from its active ingredients’ careful combination and balance. Antiseptic and antibacterial lavender oil is useful for treating burns, bug bites, all so other skin irritations.

As an essential oil or infused oil, it is mild and effective at relieving pain and muscle tension. This herb’s anti-inflammatory and soothing properties make it ideal for soothing irritated skin and rashes. Your mental and emotional states can be altered by lavender as well.

Lavenders with a high camphor content can be stimulating in contrast to English lavender.

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