Earthy DIY Makeup Brush Holders

Glam & Earthy DIY Makeup Brush Holders

One is very glamorous with purple glitter and black jewels around the outside. Perfect for all those glitter addicts out there!

For the second one, I glued small shells together in a mosaic style. This brush holder was a little tedious to complete.

I’m a perfectionist, so trying to find the right size and fit for each shell took some time. Though the end result is brilliant! It was definitely worth it.

I’m in love with this DIY for the simple fact that it doesn’t require many supplies. You may even have most of the items in your house already.

You can re-purpose glass candle jars that have been cleaned out. I didn’t have any available, so I went ahead and purchased some tumblers.

The added sand is pure genius for a cool stand-up look for your makeup brushes. Pull out and place back in for easy assess and application.

Pick your favorite color of glitter, find some shells or jewels, and you will be on your way to creating some beautiful makeup brush holders for your bathroom counter.

Makeup Brush Holders
Makeup Brush Holders

Glam Makeup Brush Holder


  • Extra Fine Purple Glitter
  • Modge Podge Gloss
  • Paint Brush
  • Spray Adhesive
  • Adhesive Jewels
  • Sand
  • Re-purposed Candle Jar or Glass Tumbler

With your paint brush, apply modge podge on the inside of the glass walls. Use a thick amount of modge podge so the glitter will be able to stick well.

Sprinkle glitter inside the tumbler making sure every side is covered. I turned my tumbler in a clock-wise direction multiple times to coat every nook and cranny with glitter.

Let dry overnight. You will know it is fully dry when the white modge podge becomes totally clear.

Spray your adhesive inside the glass so your makeup brushes won’t have glitter residue on them.

You can start decorating the outside of your brush holder whenever. I used adhesive black jewels around the top and bottom rims. Since they are on glass, you may want to hot glue the jewels to your tumbler.

When everything is fully dry, start to fill your tumbler with sand. Use just enough sand for the brushes to easily stand up. Mine are filled with a mixture of sand and colorful rocks/shells for an added feature.

Enjoy your glam makeup brush holder!

Earthy Mosaic Makeup Brush Holder


  • Iridescent Glitter
  • Modge Podge Gloss
  • Paint Brush
  • Spray Adhesive
  • Crushed shells
  • Sand
  • Re-purposed Candle Jar or Glass Tumbler

With your paint brush, apply modge podge on the inside of the glass walls. Use a thick amount of modge podge so the glitter will be able to stick well.

Sprinkle glitter inside the tumbler making sure every side is covered. I turned my tumbler in a clock-wise direction multiple times to coat every nook and cranny with glitter.

Let dry overnight. You will know it is fully dry when the white modge podge becomes totally clear.

Spray your adhesive inside the glass so your makeup brushes won’t have glitter residue on them.

Time to start with the beautiful mosaic outside! Hot glue the shells onto the glass. Once you glue one, find the next fitting rock and start to go from there. Do this all the way around your tumbler. I noticed that if I didn’t apply a lot of glue for each shell they fell off. You have to work fast but apply plenty of glue.

When everything is fully dry, start to fill your tumbler with sand. Use just enough sand so the brushes can easily stand up. Mine is filled with a mixture of sand and the colorful shells that I used on the outside for an added feature.

Enjoy your earthy mosaic makeup brush holder!

I’m literally excited to do my makeup now. I’m not going anywhere today, but I think I’ll apply my bronzer to my face just so I can use my makeup brush holders.  🙂

Oh how I love these! Which one are you going to make? The glam or earthy mosaic? Comment in the box below, I would love to hear which one is your favorite.

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